来源:学习力教育智库 文章作者:佚名
最近印度一所大学发生了神奇的一幕: 一群学生全部光着头,走在校园中,不知道的还以为是和尚。 Via Twitter / ANI News Authorities in Uttar Pradesh are investigating a mass hazing incident at a local university after a group of 150 medical students were allegedly forced to shave their heads and salute senior students. 印度北方邦当局正在调查当地一所大学发生的大规模欺凌事件。150名医学生被迫剃光头,以这种方式向高年级学生致敬。 In images shared online, the students can be seen parading through the university campus in single file with their new buzzcuts, past security personnel and other staff at the Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences in Safai village on Tuesday. 在网上分享的图像中,可以看到北方邦医科大学校的学生们在顶着光光的脑袋,穿过保安和其他工作人员。 Via RT 这所大学副校长称,虽然已经采取措施,但是校园霸凌仍屡禁不止。 The vice chancellor of the university, Dr Raj Kumar, claims that, despite appointing special squads to keep “check over ragging [hazing],” the practice is still widespread. He has promised “strong action against those involved,” adding that the university has suspended students for such behavior before and may well do so again. 该大学的副校长Raj Kumar博士称,尽管学校已经任命特别小组禁止欺凌新生的行为,但这种做法仍然很普遍。他承诺“会对那些参与者采取强有力的行动”,并补充说,该大学之前已经开除过参与校园霸凌的学生,这次可能也会采取同样措施。 Via RT 近年来,印度校园霸凌问题突出。据报道,2013年至2015年期间霸凌事件增加了41%。 Last month, a 14-year-old Hyderabad boy reportedly attempted suicide as a result of intense ragging. 据报道,上个月,一名14岁的海德拉巴男孩就因为不堪霸凌而自杀未遂。 Via RT